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When Should You Update Your Decor

When Should You Update Your Decor

When many of us are new to home decorating, it can be a little overwhelming knowing how to get it right. The truth is if you are happy with how your home looks, you’ve got it right for you! I am not a follower of many rules and am happy to break all the decor rules so long as I feel my home is comfortable and makes my family happy. I do love to keep my home feeling fresh though and for me, this means a semi-regular update of my home decor. For you though, it may mean something different. So when should you update your decor? Let’s take a look.

When Should You Update Your Decor?

Honestly, this question depends on a few things, like do you like changing up your decor often, are you talking about a big change ie colour or flooring, or are you talking about soft furnishings only? I will touch on each of these as we go. I’m a regular changer, but not too regularly as I found my kids don’t always enjoy the constant change.


I like to change up some of my soft furnishings with the change of seasons, for example in Winter I like to have heavy textured throws and deeper colours in my cushions to reflect the warmth required for the cool change. Come Summer though, I like soft, pale throws and cushions to give the appearance of a cooler space. The bedrooms get an update at these times of the year as well, with the sheets, doona cover and pillows all matching the season.

I have previously changed these items on an each-season basis, though I found that the kids really didn’t enjoy the frequency of these changes, so now I restrict myself to Spring and Autumn.

As Things Breakdown

There is a time in a home when things just start to breakdown. Your home has gotten tired and is feeling a bit old and run down. This is a perfect time to make some more major updates to your decor. Think bathrooms, kitchens, painting and floors. These are not updates you’ll want to do often and getting the timing right can be challenging, but I find most houses do a great job of telling you when they need an update.

After Renovating

As mentioned above, after renovating is a great time to tend to decor updates big and small. While the renovation will take care of the big updates, you can use this time to make small changes to your home as well. Paint a room, or change out the bedcovers, cushions or throws. With a renovation, often comes a shift and the base decor, that you can now add too.

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For Lifes Big Events

Having children prompted my first major decor change. Honestly, until then we didn’t have enough of a budget to make regular changes. Nowadays with stores like Kmart, killing it at the homewares game, it is far more affordable. We followed this major change with other changes as the children reach milestones in age. Likewise, as they got much older our families needs changed.

We had big room shifts and changes as the kids came into the teen years and they no longer wanted to spend all their time with us, now that they are adults, we are finding they want to be back where we are, so another bigger change is to come!

Just Cause You Want To!

Our decor is not set in stone, and if you want to change it, change it!! I find most people who ask this question, are doing so in order to justify the expense, but it doesn’t need to be a major expense. Find second-hand pieces and give them a new lease of life, make your own lampshades or bed heads and keep an eye out for bargains in linen and cushions.

Play with lighting, for example, use lamps and candles to help change the feel of your home, change the orientation of furniture or simply paint or wallpaper one wall. All these small changes will contribute to making your home feel fresh and new again.

Have you updated a room in your home recently?

Nicole xxx


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