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The Key To Being A Great Apprentice

The Key To Being A Great Apprentice

This information could be applied to any type of employee, after all being a great apprentice is a skill that will last a lifetime, and can be taking into any job in any situation. The Builder and I work on these tips on a daily basis.

Now that you know how to get an apprenticeship, the key to being a great apprentice is what will help you keep your job. Don’t forget there are many others out there that would love your job, it’s up to you to work hard at keeping it.

The Key To Being A Great Apprentice

Be on time!

My Grandfather taught me many life lessons, the one I am most grateful for is the lesson of time management. Being late is rude and inconsiderate. It has the potential to throw the schedule for the entire day out, it most definitely puts you behind and does nothing for getting your head set for the day. If you are any less than 10 minutes early to work, YOU ARE LATE. There are times when something unpreventable happens, traffic, accidents etc, in these cases a call to the boss as early as you know you will be late, will give them the opportunity to reschedule the day where necessary. Don’t leave it until you are already late to call.

Listen Carefully.

Learning to listen is a excellent skill that can be difficult to learn. It requires you to be present in the moment as it happens, to not let your mind wonder. Make eye contact, ask questions, listen carefully. What your employer is saying is not only the direction you need to complete your task, it is also often designed to keep you safe in what you are doing.

Ask Questions.

You are an apprentice, you were employed on the basis that you don’t know what you are doing, you are there to learn. You are expected not to know what you are doing, therefor you are expected to ask questions. Asking questions shows you are keen to learn, you are actively listening to what you are being taught. It shows you are engaged and interested in your job.

Don’t Take Leave Unless Absolutely Necessary.

I recently heard a story of an apprentice being late on the very first day of his apprenticeship, within the same week, he took a day off apparently sick. Whether he was sick or not, is not the question. There are times when you are much better to show up to work, do the best you can, and be sent home sick. Don’t leave your boss with any doubt about you being keen to work. Obviously when you are working with heavy machinery you will need to be cautious, consider asking for a different job on the day if you are feeling hazy.

Get To Know The People You Are Working For.

This can be said for employers and clients alike. At Fernbrooke Homes, we have an expectation that all our employees and subcontractors will show a respectful interest in our clients. Get to know there names, the children’s names and names of the pets. This can help to make the client feel really valued, which can result in repeat business, and business is always needed for there to be a job for you. Don’t stop there, get to know your boss and colleges. Have conversations on a daily basis, you don’t need to be friends with your boss or colleges, but you do need to friendly.

Complete Your Study On Time.

When you are completing your apprenticeship, there is a degree of study that you will be required to finish. Your employer will be in constant contact with your training organisation and the very last thing they will want to hear is that you are behind in your study. Respect yourself and your opportunity enough to get your study done, and to do it well.

Follow Direction.

Although there are times when you will be required to think for yourself, most of your apprenticeship will require to follow direction. Be sure to do exactly as you are asked, this shows that you are listening, attentive and keen to get the job done.

Being a good apprentice is really all about exercising common sense. It is not difficult to become good at your job, especially if you utilise the above skills. This skill set will see you well into not only your apprenticeship, but in everything you do in life. Being a great apprentice will open the door to many rewards, just like our Rylee. ?

TBW The Key To Being A Great Apprentice

Have you been an apprentice? Got a skill you’d like to add to the list?

Nicole xxx



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  1. Love the asking questions bit. Apprentices definitely need to ask questions if they don’t understand something or want to understand better. I’d also say they need to get their personal life in order. Can’t count the times dad bailed apprentices out of jail, gave them their holiday pay so they could pay for a, b or c appliance that blew up on the weekend.
    And don’t come to work hungover from a night on the town. Not only is it dangerous, you let your boss down when you show up to work like that.

    1. Wow Bec, your Dad is super generous. I would draw the line at that, BUT that’s a really hard thing to do when you are relying on someone. Hangovers are the worst, wouldn’t tolerate more than one of those either. Maybe I’m just a hardass ?

  2. Great post. We’ve had many interesting experiences with apprentices over the years. Lots of success stories – one of our guys is leaving us to joing the Fire Brigade next month. He started with us as an apprentice 10+ years ago and is now a licensed builder and married with 2 kids! Being on time, eye contact, minimal sick days – all excellent advice.

    1. How wonderful to still have your apprentices. My Dad is a plasterer, and he has the same apprentice 35+ years later, he recently retired and now that apprentice is working for my brother. ? keeping it in the family.

  3. Love the questions, all great advice. Also showing some initiative once you mastered a new skill is another tip which helps.

    1. Initiative is essential, I agree ?

  4. Great tips, Nicole. I’ve been an ‘apprentice’ for my husband Dave and he certainly put me through the ringer. Seriously though, Dave has been an apprentice and has employed apprentices. It can be hard to get people who are willing to put in the hard yards and do all of the above. This kind of information and tips are quite valuable to apprentices and would hopefully be outlined to them in their training package or communicated to them by their employer. #teamIBOT

    1. It can be difficult Renee, especially when you are dealing with youth, however I feel as the employer and adult, it is our responsibility to teach our apprentices this. Just like our work at our football club is more than being about teaching kids to play football, i believe it’s also about teaching kids to be good people. The same applies in the lessons we feel responsible for as an employer. ?

  5. Great advice Nicole the apprentices with Fernbrooke Homes are lucky to work for a quality company.

    1. Thank you Brad, our apprentices would not be where they are without the innovative training techniques of Blue Dog Training.

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