Today I went and visited a home to do a quote to replace some cedar timber windows. The issue wasn’t with the type of window or with the operation of the unit, the issue was the original installation of the windows.
These windows were installed without window flashings above them and as a result need to be replaced because of the rot that has developed in them. Some builders cut corners and feel the need to insult the client by not doing the little things right. Installing a window flashing is not an option, it is required under the B.C.A. (Building Code of Australia). Water is not permitted to penetrate the inside of a dwelling and not installing a simple window flashing is not an option. As a result of the previous Builder’s inadequacy, the client is now outside of their warranty period and looking at having to spend $5,000.00 to replace these windows and install window flashings when the cost to supply and fit these window flashings would have cost $150 during initial construction. Below are photos of the damage that has been caused as a result and also a photo of a correctly installed window flashing over a window.
Water damage due to lack of flashings.
Windows without flashings.
The white metal piece on top of the window is the flashing.
Do you have any waterproofing issues that need to be resolved due to poor building practice?
Nicole xxx
AMAZING blog Nicole! They layout is beautiful and so are the words and photographs! Do you have anything on skypod roof lights or something similar? I’ll be sure to check it out!!