Kmart is a buzz word in home decorating at the moment, inspiring many of us to mix up our home styling, with some amazing Kmart hacks like this one from The Plumbette. This week while researching an up coming post, I found this Flask Vase at Kmart for only $4! Always interested in the quirky, I bought this vase ready to share with you ways to style this vase.
This vase is not at all within keeping of the character of our home, but with a little creative thinking, I’ve found five ways I think this vase still works in the space.
I love foliage, this holly was ‘borrowed’ from the neighbours garden, and although the vase is a modern piece, it works perfectly well on this sidetable allow with a few of my favourite blue and white pieces.
The mantle of our fireplace is somewhere I regularly place fresh flowers, choosing traditional type flowers, means the vase still fits with the styling on our traditional mantle.
Just because this Flask Vase, is called a vase, doesn’t mean it needs to be used as such, and with a little creative thinking, filling it with these little fairy light, means it fits just right on my bedside table. It would also make a great centerpiece on the dining table come Christmas.
Why not create a vignette. This piece works especially well in the library as part of a vignette.
With Summer fast approaching and entertaining on my mind, why not turn your vase into a flask! Pictured here filled with iced lemon water, it’s the perfect size for a couple to share over dinner.
With a little thought, so many of Kmart’s inspiring range can work in your home too!
Are you a fan of Kmart? Do you mix low and high cost pieces together?
Nicole xxx
OMG I LOVE how you have styled this!! It can work anywhere really. And what a bargain for $4!!
So creative Nicole, amazing styling! x
Thank you Belinda xx
I would never have thought of this! So cute ?
Thank you Angie! xx
Wow, very creative. Loving the fairy lights but seriously how cool (and nerdy) is that vase, although you’ve turned it totally chic. I’m yet to try a Kmart hack but am a fan of the potential.
Oh thank you Holly, I was really happy with how it all worked out. Kmart goodies worked really well in my kids rooms, I wasn’t sure how this vase would work in other spaces of our home. xx
Hooray, we finished another project so I could join in again this week:)
Would you believe we don’t even have a Kmart in our town.
How wonderful!! Thank you for joining in xx
I love how you’ve styled this, but the fairy lights are my favourite! You so clever! x
Oh shucks, thank you Sammie xx
I have this vase thingy too. Love the fairy light idea! Must get some.
They can make anything look pretty. Typo have the best I have found so far xx
[…] week, The Plumbette and I set our first ever Kmart Styling challenge, you can read all about it here. Essentially you have until the 10th of October to share you Kmart styling, using a minimum of one […]
ive eyed this off a few times! Lovely uses
Thank you Leanne!
I love the idea of using it as a jug or a lamp. Clever! Very clever!
Thank you! xx
[…] by sharing your styled or hacked Kmart piece. For more information on the competition please read this post, but for now, let’s have a look at the Kmart hacks I found while roaming around the internet […]
[…] externally it will no longer appear as old house, new house but one house. *Sharing over at the Builder’s Wife Extensions Extensions – Deck/Verandah September 10, 2015 […]
[…] end, be sure not to miss your opportunity to go in the draw to win a $50 Coles Myer giftcard, see this post for more […]
[…] Tuesday Bec The Plumbette and I were super pleased to announce that @mrslozb won our #HITKmartSyle competition after tagging us in not one but four entries via […]
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