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Setting Intentions for 2016

I don’t make New Year resolutions, I set intentions for how I wish the year to go. The Builder and I also make inspiration boards that we have all around our home to keep our intentions clear in our minds. We were absolutely gobsmacked the first time we made an inspiration board, to reflect as the year came to an end and realise we had achieved all the intentions we had set for the year, such is the law of attraction. We are big believers of setting intention and then really believing in that intention day in day out, while working towards it the best we can, and trusting the universe to do the rest.

Next year is extra special for me, as it’s my 40th year. I’ve already made a bucket list for the year, have stuck it to the fridge and the planning has well and truly begun. I’ll be having my first party in 10 years, going to Hamilton Island, learning to surf, running a half marathon, and many more. All chosen to push my boundaries a little more.


This year has been amazing for me. I have returned to public speaking, I have overcome many of my anxiety issues (not all, still working on this) my blog has seen me travel to Melbourne, Sydney and the Gold Coast, our business has grown, I was nominated for a blogging award, I was a finalist in the HIA Women in Construction Award and the HIA-CSR Business Partner of the Year for Queensland. We have been approached by 2 television shows to film our house. It has been the most magical year so far, and next year is going to be bigger, better and even more exciting!


Thank you my readers for joining me on this ride through our lives. I appreciate each and every one of you. I love hearing from you and get a real kick out of answering your questions. I cannot wait to share more with you next year.

Have you used an inspiration board? Are you an intention setter or do you like to make resolutions?

Nicole xxx


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  1. wow what an amazing year you’ve had Nicole, and sounds like it’s only going to get better in 2016! I love the idea of setting intentions as opposed to New Years resolutions

    1. Thank you Sarah, we are feeling very blessed. Really looking forward to ramping it up for 2016! xx

  2. You’ve had a fabulous year and I’m looking forward to seeing what is in store for 2016. x

    1. Thank you Bec, looking forward to sharing it with you xx

  3. What an amazing 2015 for you and your family! I wonder what 2016 has in store, enjoy the Christmas break x

    1. Thank you Lisa, we are certainly feeling very blessed ? Have a wonderful start to the new year xx

  4. I must get on to the Vision Board train – I don’t like to set resolutions as I have commitment issues but I do like to set goals and I like them to be achievable. Your 2015 was pretty awesome, look at all you have achieved, personally and professionally but 2016 sounds like a whole lot of awesome PLUS. I think you’re going to love 40, it’s just fabulous!

    1. Do a vision board Sammie, they are amazingly inspirational! Goals always seem a little more attainable when you can see them every day. Looking forward to 40, I hear it’s the new 30 ?

  5. […] is also a visual reminder on a daily basis as we hang them in an area we are in each day. I shared my intentions for 2016 with you last year and am happy to say, we ticked off nearly all of them. I’d like to share […]

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