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Pen Y Llechwedd-An Update

Pen Y Llechwedd-An Update

Pen Y Llechwedd, has been the home of much rushing and busyness of late. The football season is well and truly underway, which sees our family out of the house Monday through to Friday nights and then all day Saturday, add into that netball for my step daughter and school football for the 2 eldest, we are rarely home. I was speaking with another Mum this week, about just how much time this takes us, and how we wouldn’t change a thing. Our children are just that for such a short period of time, and I want to be sure they remember how involved I was in there lives. I also believe that this gives us the opportunity to keep an eye on them all, as they start their journeys through their teenage years. These years are so complicated and difficult to navigate, I really want to be there to guide them as much as I can.

That said, there has been little changes in Pen Y Llechwedd in the last few weeks. The garden beds are finally finished and ready for soil and veggies.



The roses are coming to the end of their season, it won’t be long and they will be ready for a prune.


The sunlight is dipping oh so early, and I really love the way it lingers in this spot, if only I could find the time to stop and sit for a while.


Little changes here and there, are keeping my spirits up during the cold and dreary days.

How are you noticing the changes in your home with the cooler weather creeping in? Are you involved with your kids sport?

Nicole xxx

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  1. I trust that Sunday is a sport free zone! Even mums and dads need some time to recharge! The house is looking as lovely as ever. As lovely and light as it is in the summer months, I bet it’s just as warm and cosy in the cooler months!

    1. Mostly Sunday are free from sport. It’s surprisingly warm for an old Queenslander xx

  2. The garden beds look amazing. I can’t wait to see them full of greenery! I bet you can’t either. My husband is planning something a bit exciting with our place that involves a bit of greenery, but I can’t reveal anything just yet :

    1. Oh Renee, that does sound exciting! Can’t wait ?

  3. Those garden beds are going to look amazing once all done. A fire pit is on my current want list too.

    1. Thank you Karin, we just need some time to enjoy it ?

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