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Herb Gardens In Your Home – #HIT

Herb Gardens In Your Home – #HIT

I love cooking, not the every day type of cooking for the kids and the family, but the type of cooking that allows me to be creative and use some imagination. When cooking like this, I always use lots of herbs! With not being so well of late, I have been unable to wonder down into the garden to pick the herbs like I usually would, so the builder decided he would move the herb garden upstairs onto the deck that is located just off our kitchen. Now I have my herbs closer, I use them even more often. I thought today we could have a little look at some inspiring herb gardens for in your home.

Herb Gardens For Your Home


I love the simplicity of this idea, simply puchase the herbs, pop them in a pot and sit on a window sill or a bench. This idea came via a website called Indoor Herb Garden, who sells all manner of herb gardens for your home.


This idea from 101 pallet ideas is a great way to use up and old pallet, simply create the garden and fix to a wall. A great DIY project for a weekend.


Image Source

Here is another great idea using an old timber pallet. Again it looks simple enough to make from a recycled pallet, and small enough to suit the tiniest of homes.


This is a really pretty idea from Ikea, who have a large range of planters for inside the home at a reasonable price.


If you are feeling crafty, why not have a go at making one like this herb garden from Ana White.


Image Source

I think this looks great and simple to create using an old shutter or even an old ladder. Pretty, recycled and functional.

TBWHerb Gardens

Here is our herb garden, it has grown so much since we first planted it. It sits just off my kitchen, so is super handy any time I want to pick from it. We purchased this system from Bunnings and were very happy with how easy it was to install.


HIT Rules

1. Linkable posts, must centre around the topics of DIY, Renovations, Home Organisation, Home Improvement, Home Makeovers, Home Styling, or Home Maintenance.
2. You can share 1 post each week. Please make sure they are new to the “Home Improvement Thursday” party.
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*Each week Bec and I will feature one of your posts onto our social media pages. By adding your link, you are giving The Builder’s Wife and The Plumbette permission to post one photo from your post with a link back to the full post for future roundups on our blogs and possibly share your image and link on social media.
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Charlene from Teacher by Trade, Mother by Nature is still deep in her KonMari Journey. Last week she shared how she organised her teaching resources. We have been doing something similar with our business in the last few weeks and have found ourselves far more productive once everything is super organised.









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  1. I need to come and see your house and see all the changes you’ve been making. Especially with the ensuite. We just updated our vegetable patch outside and our herbs are doing really well!

    1. I did notice your veggie patch when I visited with you this week, they look awesome. Also in such a convenient spot. You most definitely need to pop out and visit, so many changes since you were last here. Next catch up will be in my home. xx

  2. We got a really fab freestanding herb planter from Bunnings last year. As neat as it was, it didn’t stop me killing off all my herbs. I’m determined to grow my herbs and my green fingers this year, though! I love these ideas, and your herb garden. I’m well jel of your lemons!

  3. Hi Nicole,
    It was so lovely to meet you today! We absolutely loved your beautiful home and adored seeing your herb garden in the reals. Thanks for the Tea and Brownies and for showing Hannah and I around.
    Rachael xx

    1. Rachel it was so lovely to meet you and Hannah, thank you so much for making time to come out and say hi! I look forward to catching up with you again real soon. xx

  4. P.s. Do hope I did that link right :0. Thanks for having me!

    1. Perfect xx

  5. I’m just trying to get some herbs going for what I cook for me, the kids hate anything with flavour – boo. So far I have coriander and mint! I love your set-up, very cool x

    1. My kids went through the same, but now love all kinds of flavour, it did take a good few years of trying though. xx

  6. Love these herb gardens, yours looks fab and if its in a handy space, you will use it all the time. We have a small one growing and the mint and parsley is going well, we have fresh chillies too, I love not having to buy those herbs anymore and my little guys loves picking them for me too. Happy weekend lovely x

    1. Thank you lovely! I hope you had a lovely weekend too. Having a herb garden is so good for some many reasons, I am glad you have discovered it’s joys as well. xx

  7. I love herb gardens too, I’ve previously managed to kill many though! Yours looks fantastic and I do hope to install a herb garden on our blank wall next to the alfresco.

    1. I’d love to see some pictures of it once it’s done ? xx

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