I have spoken a few times in the last month or so about how we have had a change in direction for our business. We have moved back to a business model that has Adam and myself doing most of the work. We found that we grew too quickly last year and the business quickly lacked the direction we needed it to follow, and so this year we have had a shift in thinking, and mad moves to create the model we know succeeds.
This has created a space in which I have needed to work at finding my balance again. Now that I am back to managing the paperwork as well and the business, the blog and our large family, I found myself letting go of the steps I had put in place to help with my mental health. Instead everything else became more important again, something I easily fall back into often.
This week has been about finding space to work within my home, that doesn’t sour our relaxing space. In short I am back to working in the library when the builder is on the road, and on the back deck in the sun the rest of the time.
It’s been about setting work times, now that we have settled our growth, the paperwork is not such a huge job, so I have been able to set a few boundaries to free up a little of my personal time. I take this time while the kids are at school, and go for a slow walk. I am still recovering from a couple of nasty injuries, but at least I can get back to being active.
It also about being switched on when working, this is something our business coach has taught us. Warrick has been working with us for a few months now, and helping us redefine what it is we want to achieve with our work. Our change in direction is now reflecting what we want to get out of our company, and that is simply to do work that positively changes lives.
We are doing this be working again on smaller jobs, as we find these often have the biggest impact on a family. We are doing this by getting back to working in the business on all aspects of what we do, instead of trusting others who were not working with the same direction in mind.
In all of these changes though, I am working hardest on finding balance in our lives, not running myself into the ground. Meditation is again working well, as is the gentle movement. A bigger focus on catching up with friends for a quick coffee is also helping.
My biggest lesson of late, is one of gratitude. It is a daily practice that was common in my life for years, and I have found that I let it slip. Sure I am grateful for things on a regular basis, but I forgot quickly to take many moments each day to sit in gratitude for the little things. I now carry a gratitude rock to remind me each time I brush past it in my pocket, of how much I have to be thankful for each day.
Little changes to help my with finding my balance. Each day I feel stronger and happier.
How do you regain your balance when you find it slipping? Been for a coffee with the girls lately?
Nicole xxx
I swapped coffee for dumplings, but yes, so lovely to catch up with the girls. I think it’s the little things we can do to bring balance to our lives that make a big difference. And that gratitude stone sounds like the business!