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DIY Garden Lighting – Home Improvement Thursday

Garden Lighting is a great way to add atmosphere to your outdoor entertaining space. Did you know that it can be easy to install by yourself, without the help of an electrician?


DIY Garden Lighting That is Safe To Install Yourself

Many hardware shops such as Bunnings have comprehensive ranges of DIY outdoor lighting that is safe and easy to install. Check out this tutorial by Bunnings, to see just how simple it really is.


In the above shot, we strung fairy light between the trees, and then added some fill in lighting using the Bunnings DIY system, to shine on a few feature trees.

This great system available from Beacon is really easy to install, check out the You Tube video to show you how.

Not really sure that DIY garden lighting is your thing, but would still love the soft mood of simple garden lighting? Why not try solar lights? They have come such a long way since when first released, now stylish, durable and with longer powered light, these are a great option for most gardens.


Solar lights from Think-Solar-Power.com


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These lights were simple party lights, in 18m lengths that we stung up between the hedge and the house, the created the perfect entrance to our party.

So much can be done with lighting to enhance the mood. Bright naked fluros can be a thing of the past with a little planning, and an hours DIY.


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Jungle Jarah linked up last week to show her waterproofing of the Courtyard Garden. I love it, I bet you will too!



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  1. I picked up some outdoor lights that were heavily discounted after Australia Day ($35 down to $5!) and strung them up over our otherwise quite bland decking.

    The dog has a habit of eating all our plants, and there are kids toys everywhere, so they add such a nice ambience to our yard at night time.

  2. I would love to incorporate some lighting in our courtyard – have to wait closer to Summer though. Thanks for the inspiration Nicole

  3. I’ve never thought to put lighting outside of our house. Often when I see it done it can look… tacky, but I love the look of how you did it in your yard and I have seen it done well with fairy lights which just adds magic to the atmosphere.

  4. I have been wanting to get some outdoor lights, we just moved in 4 weeks ago today and I am trying to figure out what to do in the garden, so far I have been busy inside, but I love the ideas you’ve given #HIT

    1. It’s such a big job moving, takes some time to settle. xx

  5. I love Christmas tree lights (white or various colours) around the pergola, even when it’s not Christmas ?

    1. I love their twinkle, a great light to create ambience xx

  6. Ooh, I love what you did with those fairy lights, they’re so pretty. I’m glad the solar lights and DIY’s have more options now because as much as you try it’s hard to pre-wire for all possible garden lighting you may want down the track. xx

    1. That is so true, we find we think we will live in the yard one way, but then when it is all said and done, it’s totally different!

  7. […] attending a party at my friend The Builder’s Wife’s house (see what they looked like here), I am inspired to transform my deck and backyard into a nighttime […]

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