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DIY Blogs To Inspire – Home Improvement Thursday

September is DIY month on the blog, we have already looked at a few jobs around the home you can easily do yourself, today I wanted to share some of my favourite DIY blogs, to get you inspired to try your own DIY projects this Spring.

7 DIY Blogs To Inspire

DIY Decorator

I have mentioned these clever girls many times on my blog, Kylie and Sam have created a fantastic home decorating blog full of hints and tips to inspire you to create your own professionally looking decorated home. With room make overs, How To’s and room tours, this is a gorgeous place to being you DIY tour.

Recycled Interiors

Helen is the queen of DIY and recycling homewares. An amazingly comprehensive blog designed to help you create a sustainable, happy and healthy home. With plenty of tips for the garden as well, this blog is a must subscribe for anyone looking for inspiration.

Katrina Chambers

There is nothing about homes and interiors that this blog does not touch on. With so many easy DIY projects if you are looking for inspiration especially for a quick weekend project, this is most definitely a great place to start.

Rambling Renovators

America is chock a block full of fantastic DIY and renovating blogs and this one recently caught my eye. Jennifer shares many DIY projects on her blog and there is a pretty awesome house tour as well.

All Things Thrifty

While not strictly a DIY only blog, this blog has many, many DIY projects to have a go at, along with recipes and all things girly. An exciting new find.

Pretty Handy Girl

Brittany is a super handy girl who shares he skills on her DIY blog. Again an American blog, but a great resource for anyone thinking DIY.

The Inspired Room

Melissa is transforming her new house into a home with plenty of DIY projects to share along the way. With a house tour and plenty of inspirational posts, this one will become another favourite.

No matter what DIY project you are thinking of tacking on this Spring, I am sure one of these blogs will inspire you with their helpful advice.


HIT Rules

1. Linkable posts, must centre around the topics of DIY, Renovations, Home Organisation, Home Improvement, Home Makeovers, Home Styling, or Home Maintenance.
2. You can share 1 post each week. Please make sure they are new to the “Home Improvement Thursday” party.
3. Linking is simple, find the little blue button at the end of the post that says, Add Your Link, and then pop in your URL, and follow the prompts. Your link only needs to be added once and it will automatically show up on both of our blogs… it’s that easy!
4. Grab our #HIT button and pop it on your sidebar. Don’t forget to share it with others.
5. Follow the blogs of your fellow #HIT family, and leave a comment. Please visit and comment on at least three blogs that are near you on the list.
6. Leave a comment on the post below so we can return the favour and comment on your post.
7. Don’t forget to follow The Plumbette and The Builder’s Wife
*Each week Bec and I will feature one of your posts onto our social media pages. By adding your link, you are giving The Builder’s Wife and The Plumbette permission to post one photo from your post with a link back to the full post for future roundups on our blogs and possibly share your image and link on social media.
For any questions please email myself [email protected] or Bec [email protected]
We’d love you to join in. xxx

My good friend Erin over at Seven Little Australians & Counting is busy putting in their new kitchen. It is so exciting to watch this space take shape, especially as her family is helping out the whole way.



An InLinkz Link-up


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  1. Great round up of DIY blogs Nicole! I follow Katrina Chambers and the DIY Decorator, will definitely check out the others!

  2. […] #Sharing over at the Builder’s Wife with this week’s Home Improvement Thursday. […]

  3. Some unknown’s to me there, look forward to checking them out. And rather touched to receive a special shout out. ?

    Thought of you, Bec and your women in tradies this week. Our girls 14 & 12 ran into their first experience of ‘sexism’ and they were so annoyed, particularly our nearly 6ft 14 yr old. Our flat pack arrived on Friday (woo hoo) and we were helping the two blokes unload. The older bloke (late 50s/early 60s) kept underestimating how much the girls could carry (he wasn’t having the same issue with even our 7 yr old lad). As sexism goes it was mild but our girl’s first experience. Miss 14 says, “does he think I’m a flower? who does he think built the house?”

  4. Nice blog you have shared…

  5. Such a beautiful blog with such beautiful pictures. I loved the concept of the blog and would love to take help of the blogs you mentioned.

  6. I will surely take help from some of the ideas for my home renovation. I like Katrina Chambers and the DIY Decorator and will work on them more. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Hey I appreciate this. I have been looking for some home construction DIY blogs. yours is great. Ib appreciate you putting this together. Thanks!

  8. Thanks for sharing those blogs mentioned above is it a great reference to choose on whether what type of home improvement are we going to choose and other stuff. Actually, I am looking for n builders for patio and other rattan furniture.

  9. I could be only dreaming of having a good home.Yes, it’s possible to have it through your tips. I love doing DIY at home and make it very elegant.

  10. These are great resources for inspiration, thanks for sharing.

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