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Check Out Tradies In Business

Check Out Tradies In Business

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas day. While we are taking a bit of a break here on The Builder’s Wife, it is a great opportunity for you to head over to Tradies in Business and check out my new project.

After years of working on The Builder’s Wife, I have come into contact with many other wives and partners of tradies who are looking for networking, support and help in their businesses. Gosh, 10 years ago that was me!

It can be lonely out there working alongside our tradies, and that was part of the motivation behind this very blog. Over time though, common themes have come to light. Many of those are not knowing where to go for reliable education on running your trade business.

The other key issue that comes up time and time again for tradie wives and partners is,

“How do I get my husband/partner to listen to me”????

I don’t know how many times I have looked for an answer to this question myself before finally understanding exactly how this issue was caused.

These questions, are the motivation behind teaming up with my mate Waz, aka Tradie Wingman, to create our new venture, Tradies in Business.

We’ve spent the last 6 months working hard behind the scenes creating a welcoming space for tradies and their partners. At Tradies in Business you’ll find a wealth of knowledge with hundreds of podcasts, blog posts and FREEBIES to help break the gut busting cycle of working in your business.

This week we’ve introduced the Trade Desk, our one stop shop for getting you educated on how best to get you off the tools and into true business ownership. When you sign up for the Trade Desk, you’ll be joining a community of other tradies and tradie partners, just like you, who are motivate to make positive change in their business.

You’ll have access to monthly how to videos, as well as templates and flow charts. You will also join our private Facebook group with all the other Trade Desk members, where we share twice monthly Q&A’s to answer all your business questions, alongside twice monthly “Hot Seat Interviews” where we share the stories of other tradies (and you) and how they are doing in their business. Oh and we have quarterly planning session to get you moving in the direction of your business dreams!

Sound like something you could find value in? Sick and tired of working hard and not having the financial rewards? Struggling to fit it all in? Wish your team would just work harder? Then the Tradies in Business Trade Desk has the answers for you.

So while you are relaxing on your Christmas break, why not head on over and check our what I’ve been up to in my spare time. I’d love to see you there!


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