Christmas as a builder may be a little different to what you might imagine, though it is certainly similar to other small businesses that cease trading for the Christmas break. In years gone by, we have had years where it was bliss and other years where it has created nothing but stress,…Continue Reading
Building Defect List – What, When and How
One of the most common questions I am asked, is what a defect list is for, and when should it be introduced. While there is much confusion, the answer is actually very simple and can be of great benefit to both client and builder alike.
Building Defect List – What, When and How
A defect list is…Continue Reading
How To Make Your Home A Unique Reflection Of You
This post is written in collaboration with Scyon.
Designing and building your own home is an exciting opportunity for you to show your unique personality. The facade of your home is one of the most important aspects of the build- it’s the first impression. A very simple way to create immediate wow factor is to utilise…Continue Reading
Stress – A Very Personal Post
I have no doubt it will not surprise you that we are under a lot of stress. What might surprise you is just how much we are juggling. Between selling the house, finding another, running a business that is undergoing a massive change, children, step children, and launching…Continue Reading
New Build Or Renovation – A Few Tips To Get You Through
Are you considering a new build or a renovation? It can be a stressful process when you are not sure what to expect. I have a mountain of information here on the blog, however wading through it all can be a little time consuming. Last week I put together a guide of my top 5…Continue Reading
Building Or Renovating? A Few Things You Should Know
Building or renovating can be a really nerve wracking process, especially if you haven’t done it before. The best advice I can give, after having done both several times, and of course being in the industry, is to get educated. With that in mind, here are my 5 most important posts for you to read…Continue Reading
Being The Best Builder
This is a time of change and growth for our business, that has given us plenty of time for reflection over our direction and how best to align it with our values. Some 18 months ago we made a decision to grow our business, and grow we did, rapidly, but with that growth came…Continue Reading