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Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I was a little bit chuffed a few weeks ago to be nominated for an award called the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award, by the very lovely Kirsten from Kirsten and Co. I was further chuffed to receive the same award from the equally as gorgeous Sammie from The Annoyed…Continue Reading

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A Week Off Work-The Little Injury That Wasn’t So Little

A Week Off Work-The Little Injury That Wasn’t So Little

If you follow along on Instagram or Facebook, you will have seen this last week, that Adam was injured at work. A small injury, that at the time seemed rather insignificant. Who would have thought, that a splinter could be the cause of surgery and nearly a week off work?

Last Wednesday,…Continue Reading

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Who is The Builder’s Wife?

Who is The Builder’s Wife?

I thought it about time I reveal a little more about who I am. It is easy to forget there is a person behind the blog when you read so many, and I thought I would share 11 things about me, you might not know, a bit of an opportunity to get to know Nicole.

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Fernbrooke Homes-The Week That Was

Fernbrooke Homes-The Week That Was

It’s been a mammoth week and a bit for Fernbrooke Homes and for myself personally. As I am half of Fernbrooke, I also want to share my experiences with you.

The extension at Toowong is coming along quickly. The old part of the house and the new, have finally met and have been open…Continue Reading

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A Day In The Life of The Builder’s Wife-Tech Talk

A Day In The Life of The Builder’s Wife-Tech Talk

Have you ever wondered what I do all day? Given any thought to how a Builder’s Wife lives, or how a Mother to 2 and Step Mother to 3 manages to get through their day? Wonder no more, continuing on the theme or giving you more of my authentic voice, today I will share with…Continue Reading

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Talent Spotlight-Tahnee Heit

Talent Spotlight-Tahnee Heit

This week, instead of bringing you an Etsy shop, I would like to introduce you to a very special friend of mine. Tahnee Heit, is a beautiful Mum of 3, married to her childhood sweetheart, living a dreamy life, and just happens to be one of the most talented artists I have ever met.

When we…Continue Reading

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Etsy Love-Peggy’s Emporium

Etsy Love-Peggy’s Emporium

This weeks Etsy find comes from Sydney. I do love a local Esty vintage shop. Again I have become very taken with not only the items for sale in this Etsy shop, but also the loving way in which they have been presented. Nothing is more exciting than shared passions, and this Mother and Daughter…Continue Reading

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