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Inside The Build – Your Questions Answered

Inside The Build – Your Questions Answered

I’ve been in the unique position to have built a house both as a client and as a wife of a builder, and I can tell you that each comes with its on set of challenges. But the challenges I found as the client, were all based around the fear of the unknown. Both building…Continue Reading

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How To Use Your Christmas Break To Prepare For Building Or Renovating

How To Use Your Christmas Break To Prepare For Building Or Renovating

So you are thinking about building or renovating in the new year, but where do you start? How do you know how to find a reputable builder, who can facilitate what you are dreaming of? Wondering how do you not get ripped off when building or renovating? I can help you with a solution to…Continue Reading

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What To Expect On Your Building Site Over Christmas

What To Expect On Your Building Site Over Christmas

Many builders are beginning to shut down their sites this week. I find it is often a time of trepidation for home owners, who are unsure what to expect over the Christmas break. Will there be anyone there? Will it be safe? What if something goes wrong? Let’s have a look at what you can…Continue Reading

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What Can Go Wrong When Building Or Renovating?

What Can Go Wrong When Building Or Renovating?

Building and renovating is hardly a stress free time, and many issues can blow out to create bigger ones. We’ve all heard the horror stories of something catastrophic going wrong during a build or renovation, but what can it go wrong and how can you prevent it?

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Selling Your Home? Why Property Styling Is Your New Best Friend.

Selling Your Home? Why Property Styling Is Your New Best Friend.

Selling Your Home? Your Property Stylist and Staging

Expert Is About To Become Your New Best Friend

To say that the property market we experience today is different from what previous generations experienced is an understatement. On the backs of home improvement shows and competitions and the increasing demand for a picture-perfect lifestyle, the need to impress…Continue Reading

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Annual Home Maintenance Schedule For The Homeowner

Annual Home Maintenance Schedule For The Homeowner

Can you believe this is my 800th blog post?! I couldn’t think of a better way to mark this milestone than by answering a reader question. I had an excellent question through on my Facebook page this week that has prompted this post which I hope will be a helpful resource for homeowners. We all…Continue Reading

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Inclement Weather – Know Your Contract

Inclement Weather – Know Your Contract

It’s a cold and rainy day here in Brisbane today, the kind that holds up works on a construction site and causes headaches for Builder’s and homeowners alike. Rain delays cause knock on effects that can have a significant impact on the progress of a job, however there is a limit to what is allowed.

Inclement…Continue Reading

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