Have you ever wondered what I do all day? Given any thought to how a Builder’s Wife lives, or how a Mother to 2 and Step Mother to 3 manages to get through their day? Wonder no more, continuing on the theme or giving you more of my authentic voice, today I will share with you a typical day in my life. Please note, that this is based on yesterday, and that as a Step Mum who has shared care of her Step Children with their own Mother, I have a busy week and a ‘quiet’ week. This day is a typical day in my busy week, and it all begins at 5am.
5am: I don’t need to set the alarm, my body clock is so used to the early mornings, it has me awake at 5am no matter the occasion. It is my very favourite time of the day, mostly because every one else is asleep. I have time to check my emails, answer anything pressing on Facebook and Instagram.
5.30am: Time to wake up the Builder and share a coffee while quickly planning our day(s). This is a great opportunity to remind ourselves of any appointments we have, touch base with where we are at on the job. It’s a quick power meeting to start the day on the right foot.
6am: After waving Adam off to work, I now have a little time to Blog. Most weeks I have drafted all my posts and just need to run through before sending off live, some weeks though, I have to write in this time. That’s never easy, usually its the week not all the children are home, because the week before got out of hand and my writing had to wait. Today however, I am finishing off this post.
6.45am: Time quickly passes and it’s time to make the kids lunches. I put a lot of time and effort into the kids lunches, because two of the children have high reactions to the additives in food, we don’t eat lots of things. This means, I mostly make everything from scratch, we have our treats of course, but for the most part, it’s all fresh and from my kitchen.
7am: Time to wake up the sleeping dragons. Morning is my least favourite time with the kids, it’s all rush, rush to get out of the house on time. Once they are awake, breakfast is made, loads of washing on and then I get a little time to get ready for gym.
8am: School run time, I only have one child to take to school now. One of the biggest reasons we moved to this house, was because as the children enter high school, they can walk to school. (It’s right behind us) Until the end of the year, I am still driving the youngest, my Step Son, 30 minutes to his primary school. I love this time with him. We have become so close. We have a technology ban, which means we talk all the way there. I know so much more about him and his thoughts and feelings now, than I ever did before.
9am: Gym time, this time is for me, it helps me get through each day. Sometimes my daughter will meet me and we will work out together, I really enjoy sharing the positive space with her. If she’s not there, I love that I can take this time to nurture my soul.
10am: Back home, time to tidy the house, hang out the washing and typically do the breakfast dishes I didn’t get time to do before I ran out the door. After all the housework is done, I finally get to have my shower and get ready for the business part of the day.
11am: Is work time, paperwork, emails, sometimes site visits or client visits, depending on what is going on. Today I have mountains of paperwork to get through. That way, when Adam and I have our meeting tomorrow, I will be able to show him exactly where we are on the job.
1pm: Lunch time, time to check in with Facebook, Instagram, blog emails and a quick chat with Adam.
1.30pm: Gives me a change to either blog, or to do some marketing for Fernbrooke Homes. Every day is a little different, sometimes its scheduling, or writing, sourcing content, taking photos, anything really.
2.30pm: It’s school run time again. I usually use this 30 minutes in the car before I pick up the youngest to catch up on any phone calls I’ve missed during the day. Mostly I won’t answer the phone while I am working, this keeps my head clear and in the game. This time gives me the chance to catch up on those important calls.
3.30pm: Every afternoon we have sports of some description. This one is a big one, my Step Daughter plays school netball from 3.45 till 5pm, and then has club netball training from 5.30pm until 6.30pm while the two eldest boys have homework club from 3-4pm and then rep football training from 5.30-7pm. It’s the busiest day of the week. I opt for the netball training, as it gives me an opportunity to catch up with some friends for a walk and a chat, while Adam takes the boys to football training. In between the sessions, homework must also be completed, making for a super busy afternoon.
7pm: and we are all home again. It’s State of Origin tonight, a big deal when you have 3 boys in the house, we are sticking with tradition and have ordered the kids pizza’s, though we make our own from scratch. After dinner we all settle in front of the TV for a family night of football and maybe arguing a little as I am the only NSW supporter. While this is going on, I’ll be folding and ironing from the mornings laundry loads.
10.30pm: This is an exceptionally late night for our children, helped only by most other children at school also staying up to watch the football. Usually the kids are in bed by 7.30pm and are able to read until 8pm. The 2 eldest boys will often read and study until 8.30pm. Time to tidy up after the kids, have a quick check in with Facebook and Instagram, share a cup of tea with Adam, and then finally at 11pm it’s time for bed.
That’s it, my day in summary. It’s busy, loud and can be quite stressful, but I wouldn’t change it for a thing!
What is your day like? Were you surprised by what I do all day?
Nicole xxx
I think I need a lie down after reading that! You really are Super Woman and your days are action packed. And I’m in love with your kitchen. It’s so wonderful it makes me want to chain myself to the kitchen sink ?
I so wish you were in my kitchen, I can see many a glass of bubble and maybe a few dumplings, oh yes that would be fun. Thank you for making me feel special. xxx
I’m with Sammie on that! I’m already in my bed it’s 10pm and was going to turn off the computer! You are the strongest woman I ‘ve met. How you manage to sleep only 6 hours and do all that stuff! Also in France school timing is different. Usually 9 to 4:30. xx cathy
Thank you Cathy, I’m not sure sometimes either. I love the sound of your school hours! xx
[…] to put that in place this week, with a true reflection of my Desk Nook and my post to share a day in my life. These style of posts will be my new voice, I hope to reflect the truth of a renovation and blended […]
[…] is a balancing act, and mostly I feel I do Ok to keep all my life in balance. The Builder and I work together to […]